Acryl-Kristall-Schlüsselanhänger - Fate/Grand Order - Scáthach

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Acrylic Crystal Keychain - Fate/Grand Order - Scáthach
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JAP-ONE ist eine französische Marke, die aus Frankreich versandt wird. rooster
4.76/5 basierend auf 3064 Bewertungen

Produkt verfügbar & kostenlose Auszahlung innerhalb von 1 Stunde* in unserem physischen Einzelhandelsgeschäft in Paris, Frankreich

Product type : Acrylic Crystal Keychain

Size : Small

Serie : Fate/Grand Order

Character(s) : Scáthach

Manufacturer : Xinghedongman

The story takes place in 2015, at a time when magic still holds a large place in the heart of society. In order to safeguard humanity, the Caldea organization carefully observes the movements of magic, science and the future of the world.


But one day, the future suddenly seems to disappear after the year 2017. In order to discover the causes, the organization decides to send investigators, the "Grand Order", on a symbolic mission into the past.

The product is sold and shipped by JAP-ONE.

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SKUAcrylic Crystal Keychain - Fate/Grand Order - Scáthach
Zustand New
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