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Godzilla Card Game Starter Deck "Heisei Series" Display (6 Decks) - En, Bushiroad. EAN : 4988104159847 Control calamity or defend against destruction in the Godzilla Card Game! Starter Deck "Godzilla Minus One" has everything you need to get started!
※This product contains cards from Godzilla Minus One.
• Featuring cards from the world of Godzilla Minus One!
• The cards included in this starter deck are exclusive and powerful!
• A booster pack will also be included to upgrade your starter decks!
Control calamity or defend against destruction in the Godzilla Card Game!
Start your journey with Starter Deck "Heisei Series", featuring 7 titles from Godzilla (1984) to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995).
※This product contains cards from Heisei Series.
• Featuring Godzilla and various monsters from the Heisei Series!
• The cards included in this starter deck are exclusive and powerful!
• A booster pack will also be included to upgrade your starter decks!
About the Game
【Card Size】
• 63mm×88mm
【Deck Construction Rules】
• Choose one color and build a 54-card deck with cards from that color. You may also include White cards which can be used in decks of any color. Up to 4 cards with the same number can be included in each deck. Starter Deck "Godzilla Minus One" contains Red cards.
Starter Deck "Heisei Series" contains Blue cards.
【Use of Cards】
• Only the English version will be supported for sanctioned and official tournaments outside of Japan. With the exception of certain cards (e.g. Rage cards), Japanese version cards may not be used.
Product Contents
【Fixed 60 card deck】
• Main Deck (50 Cards)
• Monster Card (4 Cards)
• Rage Card (6 Cards)
※Cards in this starter deck may be reprinted or redistributed in the future.
※Some cards may be replaced with parallel versions.
【Other Items】
• 1 Rule Sheet
• 1 Paper Playmat
• 1 Booster Set #1 Card Pack
The card pack will be from the same booster set releasing on the same date.
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