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Weiss Schwarz - Bang Dream! Ave Mujica Trial Deck Display (6 Decks) - En, Bushiroad. EAN : 8885021121284 The members of the brand new band from BanG! Dream, Ave Mujica, arrive on the stage of Weiß Schwarz!
You can mix it up with cards from the "MyGO!!!!! × Ave Mujica" Booster Pack that releases on the same day!
Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain a hot-stamped sign card from the following members:
• Doloris
• Mortis
• Timoris
• Amoris
• Oblivionis
Parallel Cards
Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks! Every deck contains 1 shiny card!
In addition, every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following!
• [RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (19 types)
• [SP] Hot-stamped cards (5 types)
Product Specifications
19 types of cards + 25 parallels
50 Cards per Deck
6 Decks per Display
8 Displays per Carton
Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included
The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
The cards in the above Trial Decks may be used together with cards with card numbers beginning with "BD/"!
The members of the brand new band from BanG! Dream, Ave Mujica, arrive on the stage of Weiß Schwarz!
You can mix it up with cards from the "MyGO!!!!! × Ave Mujica" Booster Pack that releases on the same day!
Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain a hot-stamped sign card from the following members:
• Doloris
• Mortis
• Timoris
• Amoris
• Oblivionis
Parallel Cards
Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks! Every deck contains 1 shiny card!
In addition, every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following!
• [RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (19 types)
• [SP] Hot-stamped cards (5 types)
Product Specifications
19 types of cards + 25 parallels
50 Cards per Deck
6 Decks per Display
8 Displays per Carton
※ Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included
※The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
The cards in the above Trial Decks may be used together with cards with card numbers beginning with "BD/"!
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